Academic Tutoring
Does this sound like you?
You fell a bit behind in class and need to do some catch-up.
It happens to the best of us! Whether you need a comprehensive review of the course so far or just some help on specific topics, it’s always easiest to get back on track when you have help. Our academic tutors are wizzes at prioritizing what you need to accomplish, helping you set and track goals, and answering those one-off questions that ensure you understand the material.
You’re switching schools or transitioning to a more advanced level of curriculum that you’re concerned you’re not prepared for.
Many students find that going from an academic course to an AP-level course, or from Common Core Math to subject-specific (e.g. Calculus) Math, to be a difficult transition. Our approach of concreting the foundational skills first, along with individualized learning plans, can bridge the content gap between your current knowledge and what’s required of your next course.
You’re intimidated by your first AP class or your first really hard teacher.
We can meet with you weekly and shore up your gaps, in addition to helping you improve your study habits so that you can succeed on your first AP tests in class all the way on up through the full AP exam.
You’re on top of everything but want to master the material to make sure you hit all 5’s.
We can act as a resource for those weeks when you have too much on your plate, and then meet consistently in the two months leading up to the AP exam to ensure you knock it out of the park. We will build you problem sets to ensure you’re performing up to AP standards, and we’ll suggest resources for you and where you can spend your time (or save it). Tend to work best on your own? Schedule a session every few weeks as a touch-base to answer questions too difficult or abstract to tackle on your own.
Whichever level of support you’re looking for, we can help.
We want to partner with you to support you through classes that are becoming increasingly important, and difficult, as you progress through your academic career. We will work with you to develop a plan that works best for you.
What support does a great academic tutor offer?
Content Knowledge
We hire and place tutors only with majors in the subject area you need.
We test our tutors regularly to ensure they’re up to date on the content they’re responsible for.
Patience and Support
Everyone knows the person who’s a whiz at a subject but can’t explain it. We ensure that never happens by seeking only personable and friendly tutors, who understand how to meet you exactly where you are.
Our tutors know that you’re coming here not only for the information they provide but the care with which they provide it. Trying out different approaches when something isn’t working and allowing a safe space for you to be wrong are just a few ways our tutors will help you avoid unnecessary frustration in the learning process.
Organizational Skills
Our academic tutors have displayed strong organizational and time-management skills in their personal and professional lives. Not only so they can help plan for your quizzes and manage your overall homework load, but also so they can let you know if more [work, time, planning] is going to be needed to attain your educational goals.
Subjects We Cover
IM 1, IM 2, and IM 3, Regular and Honors
Algebra I and Algebra II
Statistics, including AP-level
Calculus, including AP-level AB and BC
Linear Algebra
Multivariable Calculus
Vector Calculus
Differential Equations
Abstract Algebra
Number Theory
Complex Analysis
Read more about the COVID-19 Academic Math Slide.
Biology, including AP-level
Chemistry, including AP-level
Physics, including AP (electricity and magnetism, mechanics)
AP Environmental Science
AP Computer Science
Psychology, including AP-level
US History, including AP-level
World History, including AP-level
Introductory Spanish
Don’t see your course listed? Contact us! We are continuously adding new subjects to our roster.