Sometimes all you need is a better resource.
See below for some popular resources in the test prep world and the academic world. We’ll be updating regularly, and our last update was on May 14, 2021.
Please share any resources with us you’ve found helpful as well! We are always looking for anything helpful to our students.
Test Prep
Our favorite ACT Math workbook, and our second favorite ACT Math workbook.
Testing Timers, our favorite testing watch. You can request to check out an ACT Watch from us for two-week intervals.
AP Calculus
Ms. Lieseke’s Resource Page - A solid compendium of Calculus resources.
Mrs. Robert’s Resource Page - A great resource for drills.
Paul’s Online Notes - Fantastic math resource of cheat sheets, practice problems, and notes.
TI-84 “course” for calculus - Mini lessons with your calculator centered around Calculus.